Owner Information
SIRET number : 78867774800014
APE Code : 7420Z
VAT number : FR 41 788677748
Email : brunodorotaphotography@yahoo.fr
Work Phone : 04 50 05 16 56
Company : OVH
The head office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Site : OVH
Design / Development
Last name : Sénéchal Loïc
Email : senechalloic@yahoo.com
Work Phone : 06 69 07 60 81
Site : loicsenechal.me
Terms of use of the website
BDK PHOTOGRAPHY reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, the content and presentation of the site. The user of the website acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this site. He also acknowledges having read the legal information and undertakes to respect it. It is the user's responsibility to make information obtained in accordance with the legislation in force.
The information, documents and photos on this site are protected by copyright and / or intellectual property laws. Any reproduction or total or partial representation of this site by any process whatsoever without the express permission of BDK PHOTOGRAPHY is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property. The brands of its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks. The images on the site are protected by copyright. Any total or partial reproduction of these images, these brands or these logos, made from the elements of the site, is prohibited without the express authorization of BDK PHOTOGRAPHY, within the meaning of the article L713-2 of the Code of intellectual property .
General Data Protection Regulation
The RGPD applies on this site, thus respecting the possibility for any user to modify or delete all the information associated with his customer account, in order to preserve his confidentiality. The HTTPS protocol ensures optimal confidentiality of the information exchanged on the site brunodorotaphotography.com, whose accommodation at OVH is compatible and approved according to the standards of the RGPD. The personal data that you provide to the site is used solely for the purpose of processing your orders. Files are never transmitted to third parties. We do not sell any file of addresses or emails.